Source code for yatel.weight.core

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

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"""Base structure for weight calculations in Yatel.



import abc
import itertools

from yatel import db


[docs]class BaseWeight(object): """Base class of all weight calculators.""" __metaclass__ = abc.ABCMeta @classmethod
[docs] def names(cls): """**Abstract Method.** Names of the registered calculators. Raises ------ NotImplementedError """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] def weights(self, nw, to_same=False, env=None, **kwargs): """Calculates the distance between all combinations of existing haplotypes of the network environment or a collection. Parameters ---------- calcname : string Registered calculator name (see: `yatel.weight.calculators`) nw : :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` or \ :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` instance or iterable of :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` instances to_same : bool If ``True`` calculate the distance between the same haplotype. env : dict or None Enviroment dictionary only if ``nw`` is :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` instance. kwargs : Variable parameters to use as enviroment filters only if ``nw`` is :py:class:`yatel.db.YatelNetwork` instance. Returns ------- Iterator Like ``(hap_x, hap_y), float`` where ``hap_x`` is the origin node, ``hap_y`` is the end node and ``float`` is the weight between them. """ env = dict(env) if env else {} env.update(kwargs) haps = None if isinstance(nw, db.YatelNetwork): haps = ( nw.haplotypes_by_environment(env) if env else nw.haplotypes() ) elif env: msg = ( "If nw is not instance of yatel.db.YatelNetwork, " "env and kwargs must be empty" ) raise ValueError(msg) else: haps = nw comb = ( itertools.combinations_with_replacement if to_same else itertools.combinations ) for hap0, hap1 in comb(haps, 2): yield (hap0, hap1), self.weight(hap0, hap1)
[docs] def weight(self, hap0, hap1): """**Abstract Method.** A `float` distance between 2 :py:class:`yatel.dom.Haplotype` instances. """ raise NotImplementedError() #============================================================================== # MAIN #==============================================================================
if __name__ == "__main__": print(__doc__)